
People are attracted to the ways practicing yoga can strengthen the body, calm the mind, and release overall tension. If you take the step of having your child with behavioral issues try yoga, you will likely find it to be a perfect activity for them.
With summer weather quickly approaching, kids are making their way from their indoor activities to play out in the yard, or in their nearest swimming pool. Activities involving swimming or playing in the water are especially beneficial for children on the autism spectrum. Here are a few ideas for you to add to your list of ways to cool off and have fun with your child.

One aspect of interacting with children many people find challenging, or awkward, is the simple act of communication. It can be easy for many adults to forget to adjust their language and tone to best be understood and responded to by a child. Due to communication challenges children with behavioral issues such as autism, down syndrome or ADHD typically face, even more adjustment is needed.

We’d like to address some of the challenges we occasionally hear about from new users. Or, the “Storm Before the Calm”. The good news is; most parents who report this also report that it subsides after a week or two and is worth it.
When a diagnosis is received by parents for their child, it can seem like an initially intimidating and isolating experience. However, given recent advocacy and awareness efforts, it more accurately means becoming part of a new community. The bond of a common experience with other parents, along with a desire for spreading this understanding to the general public, creates a supportive community with plenty of opportunities to get active and give back.
Even with the prevalence of research-based facts, increased efforts of awareness, and readily available information, misinformation and false ideas of autism still abound. Here are some common myths about autism.
